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Showing posts from July, 2020

1.3 Trees Are The Kindest Things I Know

Trees Are The Kindest Things I Know Difficult words Harm - injure हानी Grow - undergo natural development by increasing in size and changing physically. वाढ  Spread - extend over a large or increasing area. प्रसार Gather - Collect  गोळा करा Boughs - branches झाडांच्या फांद्या Wood - a hard substance that forms the branches of trees. लाकूड Spring -  the season after winter and before summer  वसंत ऋतू Beams - rays प्रकाश किरणे Hallowe'en - a festival in autumn observed in western countries. 31 ऑकटोबर च्या संध्याकाळी पाश्चात्य देशांमध्ये साजरा केला जाणारा सन.  Drowsy - feeling sleepy झोपेची गुंगी.  Lullaby - Soft slow song for lulling a baby to sleep. अंगाईगीत. English Workshop. Q.1. Pick from the poem words that rhyme with the following words. Fun => Sun, Begun No => Know Now => Cow Sight => Light, Night Fly => Sky Q.2. Pick from the poem lines that create a picture in your mind. And in the spring, n

Paper Pattern With Marks Evaluation for 9th std.

Paper Pattern With Marks Evaluation. [Marks : 80]    Subject - English.   Time : [3 Hours.] SECTION I : LANGUAGE STUDY  [10 Marks] Q. 1. (A)  Do the following as instructed.                                                (08 Marks)          (B)  Do as directed.                                                                           (02 Marks) SECTION II : TEXTUAL PASSAGE  [20 Marks] (Reading Skill, Vocabulary and Grammar) Q. 2.  Read the following passage and do the activities. SECTION III : POETRY   [10 Marks] Q. 3. (A)  Read the following extract and do the given activities.            (05 Marks)          (B)  Read the poem given below and write an appreciation of it with the help of the points given below.                                                                                                      ( 05 Marks) SECTION IV : NON- TEXTUAL PASSAGE  [15 Marks] (Reading Skill, Vocabulary, Grammar) Q. 4. (A)

Paper pattern with Marks Evaluation for 8th std.

Paper Pattern With Marks Evaluation. [Marks : 50]   Subject - English.   Time : [2 Hours.] SECTION I : LANGUAGE STUDY  [10 Marks] Q. 1. (A) Do the following as instructed.                                                  (08 Marks)          (B) Do as directed.                                                                          (02 Marks) SECTION II : TEXTUAL PASSAGE  [10 Marks] (Reading Skill, Vocabulary and Grammar) Q. 2. Read the following passage and do the activities. SECTION III : POETRY   [10 Marks] Q. 3. (A)  Read the following poem and do the activities.                        (05 Marks)          (B) Read the poem given below and write an appreciation of it with the help of the points given below.                                                                                                        (05 Marks) SECTION IV : NON- TEXTUAL PASSAGE  [10 Marks] (Reading Skill, Vocabulary, Grammar) Q. 4. R

1.3 'Hope' is the thing with feathers.

1.3 'Hope' is the thing with feathers. Difficult Words  Hope - Wish, Expect अशा, उमेद बाळगणे, इच्छित गोष्ट feather - One of many soft, Light things हलकेफुलके. soul - Depest thoughts and feelings. आत्मा. Perches - roots विश्रांती साठी बसत असणे. Gale - Very strong wind वादळ. Storm - very bad weather with a lot of rain तुफान वादळ. sore - a painful दुःखदायक. Abash - make feel embarrassed बेचैन करणे. Chillest land - the most difficult circumstances अत्यंत बिकट. extremity - worst situation सर्वात वाईट स्थिती. English Workshop (1) Match the following. Answers. (1) f     (2) b    (3) e    (4) a    (5) c (2) Use the proper form of the verb in each line. 'Hope' is the thing with feathers- That (perch) in the soul. => That perches in the soul. And (sing) the tune without the words. => And sings the tune without the words. And never (stop) at all => And never stops at all. (3) Read the exampl

1.1 Be The Best.

1.1   Be The Best. Difficult World's Valley (व्हाली) - दरी Highway (हायवे) -  मुख्य रस्ता , महामार्ग  Scrub (स्क्रब) - an area covered with small, low,                                    plants; खुरटी झाडे, झुडपे इत्यादी.  Rill (रिल्) - a small stream, a shallow channel, rivulet; ओहोळ, लहान ओढा. Muskie and bass (मस्कि अँड् बॉस ) - names of fish, माशांची नावे. Crew (क्रू)-sailors who work on a ship; जहाजावरील अधिकारी व खलाशी सोडून इतर सर्व. Lesser (लेसर) - unimportant दुसऱ्यापेक्षा कमी दर्जाचा. Task (टास्क) - कार्य , अवघड काम  Trail (ट्रेइल) - a narrow path पायवाट, अरुंद मार्ग  English Workshop 1. Read the words/names given below. Put the big sized / bigger ones in the big circle and smaller ones in the small circle. (muskie, tree, pine, lake, bass, bush. highway, scrub, rill, sun, star, trail) 2. Find and w