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1.3 'Hope' is the thing with feathers.

1.3 'Hope' is the thing with feathers.

Difficult Words 

  • Hope - Wish, Expect अशा, उमेद बाळगणे, इच्छित गोष्ट
  • feather - One of many soft, Light things हलकेफुलके.
  • soul - Depest thoughts and feelings. आत्मा.
  • Perches - roots विश्रांती साठी बसत असणे.
  • Gale - Very strong wind वादळ.
  • Storm - very bad weather with a lot of rain तुफान वादळ.
  • sore - a painful दुःखदायक.
  • Abash - make feel embarrassed बेचैन करणे.
  • Chillest land - the most difficult circumstances अत्यंत बिकट.
  • extremity - worst situation सर्वात वाईट स्थिती.

English Workshop

(1) Match the following.

Answers. (1) f    (2) b   (3) e   (4) a   (5) c

(2) Use the proper form of the verb in each line.

'Hope' is the thing with feathers-
  • That (perch) in the soul. => That perches in the soul.
  • And (sing) the tune without the words. => And sings the tune without the words.
  • And never (stop) at all => And never stops at all.

(3) Read the examples and fill in the blanks in the same pattern.
    (a) Examples Sweet - sweeter - Sweetest.

  • fast - faster - fastest
  • slow - slower - slowest
  • high - higher - hightest
  • low - lower - lowest
  • great - greater - greatest
  • bright - brighter - brightest
  • warm - warmer - warmest
  • cold - colder - coldest
   (b) Examples strange - starnger - strangest

  • brave - braver - bravest
  • fine - finer - finest
  • simple - simpler - simplest
  • large - larger - largest
  • close - closer - closest
  • wise - wiser - wisest
   (c) Examples pretty - prettier - prettiest

  • nasty - nastier - nastiest
  • hungry - hungrier - hungriest
  • angry - angrier - angriest
  • naughty - naughtier - naughtiest

(4) Find the phrases/lines in the poem that means the following.

  1. Hope is a light, delicate thing : Hope is the thing with feathers.
  2. Hope offers comfort to your soul : that perches in the soul and sings.
  3. Hope is not a wordy thought, it is more like a feeling, an emotion : And sings the tune without words.
  4. In the most difficult time, hope offers the greatest comfort :  And sweetest .... so many warm.
  5. Hope is not easily defeated : Never stops at all.
  6. Hope has given comfort to many people : That kept so many warm.
  7. Hope lives on in very hard times, even whent it gets nothing from you : Extremity, It asked a crumb of me.

(5) We can relate many of our feelings and experiences to events or things in nature.

which of our feeling or experiences can we relate to the following?

  • Darkness : Depression
  • Sunrise : New beginning
  • Sunshine : Hope
  • A rainbow : Happiness
  • Dark clouds : Problems
  • A peacock : beauty
  • A storm : Troubles
  • A light shower : Little joy
  • Erthquake : Loss of stability
  • Dawn : Awakening
  • Dusk : Gloominess
  • Flood : Sorrow

(6) Write in a few lines, about an experience of your own where you scored in your exams much more than you hoped for. What did that experience teach you?
When I was in eight standers, I scored much more in my final exams than I had hoped. I had not expected that I would score good marks because I wasn't satisfied with my performance. but when the result was out, I was surprised and realized that I had underestimated my performance. I learned that one should always keep faith in one's capabilities and never lose hope. somethings, being anxious marks us doubt our own selves.

(7) This poem is an example of personification. When we refer to inanimate objects, ideas, emotions as living things, It is an example of personification. Here, 'hope' is portrayed as a little bird. Describe it in your own words. Find other examples of personification.

In the poem, 'Hope ' is the thing with feathers 'Hope'  Which is an inanimate object that has been portrayed as a living thing a bird. the poet has assigned the word "hope" to all the qualities of birds. for instance, hope sits in the soul like a bird sits on the tree, it sings like a bird and gives a warm feeling as a bird gives to its young ones. The 'Hope' bird does ask anything in return A few other examples of personification are :
  • Time runs and waits for none.
  • The camera is looking at me.
  • My jacket hugs me in winter.
  • The house has been looking for a tenant.

See References.


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