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2.1 Comparisons


2.1 Comparisons

Difficult Words

  • Spaceship - a spacecraft, especially one controlled by a crew. à¤…वकाशयान
  • Snail - à¤—ोगलगाय
  • Nail - à¤–िळा
  • Gentle - mild, à¤¸ौम्य
  • Warm - à¤‰à¤¬à¤¦ार
  • Elf - small fairy à¤µà¤¨à¤¦ेवता
  • Crooked - bent à¤µà¤•्र

Margin Questions.

Q.1. What adjectives/words are used here to show - shape, size, temperature?
  • Shape - Square, Round, Crooked, Straight
  • Size - Big and Small
  • Temperature - Cool and Warm


Q.1. List all the adjectives in the poem. Use the comparative forms of at least 8 of them to write new comparisons. Two of them have been given as examples.
  • Adjectives - fast, big, fierce, sour, dry, square, cool, noisy, strong, hard, dark, tall, crooked.
Examples -
  • Faster than the wind.
  • Slower than a tortoise.
  • Big- Bigger than a dinosaur.
  • Small - Smaller than an ant.
  • Fierce - Fierce than a tiger.
  • Gentle - Gentle than a lamb.
  • Cool - Cooler than an ice.
  • Busy - Busier than a bee.
  • Strong - Stronger than an elephant.
  • Hard - Harder than a diamond.
  • Dark - Darker than a coal.
  • Tall - Taller than a mountain.

Q.2. List all the nouns in the poem. Find a suitable adjective - other than the ones given here -  for each of the nouns and write meaningful similes for at least 8 of them.
Nouns - spaceship, snail, dinosaur, nail, tiger, lamb, lemon, jam, desert, sea, house, pea, cave, toast, road drill, ghost, ox, kitten, rock, mitten, tunnel, moon, midnight noon, giant, elf, path.
  • as sharp as a nail.
  • as brave as a tiger.
  • as timid as a lamb.
  • as sweet as a jam.
  • as lonely as a desert.
  • as blue as the sea.
  • as solid as a rock.
  • as soft as a feather.

Q.3. Form group of 6-8. Think of simile using different object, for example,
  • Dry as land.
  • Wet as a puddle.
Now try to put together the simile to make a poem with rhyming lines.
  • Soft as velvet hard as diamond.
  • White as milk black as crow.
Q.4.  Write the pairs of rhyming words.
  • Snail - nail
  • lamb - jam
  • sea - pea
  • toast - ghost
  • kitten - mitten
  • moon - noon
  • midnight - giant
  • self - elf
Q.5. Start a collection of idioms with comparisons. use the following categories.
        (a) Idioms with colours :
  • as black as coal.
  • as white as milk.
  • as red as blood.
  • as blue as sky.
  • as green as grass.
  • as pink as rose.
  • as brown as chocolate.
  • as yellow as mango.
        (b) Idioms with animals.
  • as cunning as a fox.
  • as honest as a dog.
  • as tall as giraffe.
  • as slow as a tortoise.
        (c) Idioms with objects.
  • as black as coal.
  • as fresh as flowers.
  • as long as road.
  • as sweet as honey.

Q.6. Give below are some idiomatic comparisons with 'like' . Can you guess their meaning? Look them up in a good dictionary. You won't find them under 'like' Which words will you look up to find these comparisons?
  • Like a bull in a china shop.
        Meaning - Doing something to carelessly that damage things.
  • Like a cat on a hot tin roof.
        Meaning - Very restless or anxious.
  • Like a red rag to a bull.
        Meaning - Something that will cause an anger or violent reaction.
  • Like a cat that stole the cream.
        Meaning - Very pleased about something you have achieved.
  • Like water off a duck's back.
        Meaning - Not having any effect on the person being criticized.
  • Memory like a sieve.
        Meaning - Forget things easily and quickly.

Using your imagination write more comparisons using 'like'.

  • a dewdrop on a petal of rose.
  • Like a fish out of the water.
  • Like a bird in a glided cage.
  • Like a dig with a bone.

See References.


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